Know how to jump rope? Why not join us in having fun with the kids?
Come and support us at the Unit-E Library at MaTouZhuang, Beijing every Saturday (12-4pm) and Sunday (3-5pm)! Contact "Nicole Ng" @ [email protected] or Junting Yeung @ [email protected]! from 2013 onwards!
UNIT-E's DISTRIBUTION MEETING was today! Did you check out the new September issue?
![]() Thank you to all of you who participated in our second-ever Publication Workshop today! We hope that it was a fun and memorable learning experience for you all. It sure was rewarding for all of us at UNIT-E to see you guys do what we do every month within a span of just three hours! Congratulations to you all! :D
Hi all!
A quick correction for the Brown University article in the September Issue. We meant 200+ courses, not 2000+. 200+ is still pretty awesome though! Dan So first, I'm going to ask you for a moment of silence on this tenth anniversary of 9/11.
Done? Good. We're back! This website getting pulled back together at last. Things have changed - I'm now a student at Brown University, and no longer in Beijing, but UNIT-E is staying put in my life. To business: The September edition is out! Grab a hard copy now (they're future collector's items, you know) or check out the digital copy as soon as it's up in a day or two. The second UNIT-E Publications Workshop is coming up in October! We've moved it earlier this year to make it less stressful and bunched up with other activities in the spring, like IB Mocks and BEIMUN and all that fun stuff. It's going to be a lot of fun, which is obviously why you should scoot on over right now to the Events page via the top navbar and register for the event. Gogogo! Also, in case you haven't noticed...we now have our own proper domain name! Online registration is now open! Head over to the "Events" page in the top navigation bar and fill in the form. Submit it online and we will confirm your registration with you as soon as we process it.
The January/February edition of UNIT-E has been released! Grab one from around your school now.
In addition, UNIT-E is hosting a publications workshop at ISB on March 19th. The event will be in the afternoon, and will feature numerous guest presentations from individuals involved in the media field as well as an interactive publication experience. Contact your school representative or use the online form located here to register. If you do sign up, keep in mind that you should attend because we will be arranging groups according to your signup information. Hi from Singapore!
The Nov/Dec issue has just been released! Contact UNIT-E people at your school to get your copy. Dan Hey all,
The October edition is out! Pick up a copy now from around school, or check back shortly for the online version. The next edition will also have an art feature. Submit to [email protected]. All media are accepted, including literature. Max. 2 submissions per person. Submissions close on the 21st, so get yours in now! The top three works will be decided by anonymous judging and will appear in the next issue, i.e. distributed online, in paper to 10+ schools and numerous restaurants and locations around the entire city. Get your name out there! General article submissions are also open. If you are interested, use the Writer application from the Recruiting page. Last but not least, we are launching the online blog! check back for interesting bits from the web team on just about anything. Dan ...we love them.
Keep an eye out for the October issue! Chloe :3 |