The release for the September issue is tentatively set for Sept. 6th. Get ready!
Since we're all set with the September release, the October cycle is starting! If you're interested in taking part, use the recruiting forms available on the site. Feel free to contact us through the website or directly through email at [email protected] for more information.
The UNIT-E Service branch will be launched soon! We'll keep you posted on the progress here on the site.
Dan Approaching the deadline. Things are mostly smooth; keep an eye out for the new features in this issue!
Dan Everything's going well! Chloe's done more of her hobo magic and we've got an awesome new image over on the Recruiting page.
Plus, I got the new domain name ( up and running, as well as cool email addresses for the UNIT-E Core Team ;) Witchdoctor The June edition of UNIT-E has been posted; check it out on the Publications page.
There will be one complete summer issue released soon, keep an eye out when you get back to school! Dan Chloe has designed a brilliant new header pic for the site.
Everything's going fast! With good luck everything will be finished and functional by September! Dan |