So first, I'm going to ask you for a moment of silence on this tenth anniversary of 9/11.
Done? Good. We're back! This website getting pulled back together at last. Things have changed - I'm now a student at Brown University, and no longer in Beijing, but UNIT-E is staying put in my life. To business: The September edition is out! Grab a hard copy now (they're future collector's items, you know) or check out the digital copy as soon as it's up in a day or two. The second UNIT-E Publications Workshop is coming up in October! We've moved it earlier this year to make it less stressful and bunched up with other activities in the spring, like IB Mocks and BEIMUN and all that fun stuff. It's going to be a lot of fun, which is obviously why you should scoot on over right now to the Events page via the top navbar and register for the event. Gogogo! Also, in case you haven't noticed...we now have our own proper domain name!
Everything's going well! Chloe's done more of her hobo magic and we've got an awesome new image over on the Recruiting page.
Plus, I got the new domain name ( up and running, as well as cool email addresses for the UNIT-E Core Team ;) Witchdoctor Chloe has designed a brilliant new header pic for the site.
Everything's going fast! With good luck everything will be finished and functional by September! Dan The Witchdoctor here;
Building the new site! Exciting. Sorta. Beats writing college essays! |